
With the world's current high output of industrial goods, hundreds of millions of tons of manufacturing by-products end up amassing in landfills each year. Steel-slag is not recycled to any significant degree, and even banned as a construction material in certain countries, such as Canada. Like many industrial waste residues, this limitation is mainly attributed to a lack in performance criteria permitting its economic and safe reuse. Moreover, the steel industry is a major contributor to anthropogenic CO2, and is subject to increasingly harsher regulatory codes that mandate heavier emission reductions. This project introduces a value-adding carbonation treatment that substantially enhances the waste slag's physical properties and, hence, its recyclable potential, while also presenting the added benefit of sequestering CO2. The end-use of the valorized slag as an aggregate replacement in concrete is explored. Considering that concrete is the world's most used construction material (> 9 billion tons per year), this project presents a sustainable building practice that fits within holistic environmental initiatives related to waste recycling, carbon mitigation, and resource conservation. In terms of practicality, an 8" concrete masonry block prepared in the prescribed manner will potentially sequester up to 2kg of CO2. The project ultimately seeks to demonstrate the possibility of implementing a closed loop system, for relevant industries, whereby waste streams and CO2 can be locally consumed at point source.


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