
Background: The ultimate goal of CME/CPD program is to ensure healthcare practitioners (HCPs) upgrade and maintain professional competence to improve patient-care. The CPD Framework activities have been organized into three-categories; Category-1 group-learning, Category-2 Self-directed-learning and Category-3 Assessment-activities. All licensed HCPs in Qatar are required to complete 2-year CPD cycle requirements to maintain licensure. Summary of Work: This work provides a review of the CPD framework for HCPs in Qatar that focuses on Category-3 Assessment activities recognized and accredited by QCHP-AD. These include various accredited assessment activities as well as structured feedback programs with the supporting credit system that promotes learning through assessment. Additionally, Category-3 submissions by healthcare practitioners (HCPs) on the ePortfolio were reviewed. Results: The National CME/CPD framework of Qatar provides plenty of opportunities for assessment activities that will support learning. The CME/CPD framework encourages participation of HCPs in assessment activities with double credits. This hybrid CPD accreditation system has made the availability of the assessment activities feasible and achievable to HCPs. Knowledge assessment programs (KAP), simulation and feedback on performance/ teaching are most preferred Category-3 assessment activities attended by HCPs which indicates that the HCPs are engaging in the learning activities that are based on objective and evidence-based with specific feedback. Accredited Simulation and KAP are preferred CPD activities offered by CPD Providers in the State of Qatar. Discussion: QCHP-AD recognizes both assessment and structured feedback activities under Category-3-assessment activities. Recognizing Assessment under CME/CPD framework with double credits has supported HCPs in understanding their professional needs and areas of development; besides, defining short, medium and long-term goals through developmental pathways. It has encouraged HCPs to engage in informed-subsequent-learning that enhances their competencies. During the assessment activity, the participants are able to first identify their success against the learning objectives and secondly an area that needs to be improved or developed. Success and improvement against the learning objective of the task is one of the most effective focus of the feedback in assessment activities. The strategy helps HCPs assess their knowledge, skills and performance in comparison to established evidences. The feedback helps the HCPs to decide on their short-term and long-term plan for their professional development. Assessment activities, CPD reflects adult learning principles of autonomy, self-direction, goal-orientation and practice-based learning. Accredited assessment activities are built on minimum standards and this ensures effectiveness and quality assurance of the CPD activities. Conclusions: assessment CPD activities supports improvement in professional competencies of the HCPs as it helps identify practice gaps that could be addressed with appropriate learning interventions. Including them in CPD framework promotes learning and provides HCPs obtain relevant feedback that encourages learner to improve, collaborate and communicate better. Assessment that encourages learning fosters motivation by emphasizing progress and achievement. Limiting human factor, which is one of the major contributors impacting patient safety could be effectively addressed with standardization, simulation, and training through assessment activities. The communication element embedded within the structure of assessment activities positively impacts the team-work and general attitude of the HCP. Take home message: Including Assessment activities as part of CME/CPD framework is assisting healthcare practitioners to use external measures with feedback to identify where knowledge, competence or performance is up-to-date and areas that require further improvement.


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