Volume 2013, Issue 1
  • EISSN: 2223-506X


This paper describes the optical limiting performance of 2D ZnO nanoflakes and plates synthesized through a simple wet chemical method. Scanning electron microscopic imaging of these nanostructures revealed the shape evolution from the nanoflakes to nanoplates as the growth duration increased from 11 h to 18 h. The nonlinear absorption is studied using open aperture Z scan technique. The process behind the nonlinear absorption is predicted as two photon absorption and one photon assisted energy transfer to the nearby trapping sites. We observe the appreciable optical limiting threshold of 46.86 MW/cm2 for high pump power of 436 MW/cm2 for nanoplates compared with nanoflakes (169.49 MW/cm2).


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): nanoflakesnanoplatesoptical limiting and ZnO
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