Volume 2016, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2225-9228
  • EISSN:


A historically marginalized and overlooked segment of the general population worldwide, persons with disabilities have long struggled with discrimination, inequality and even maltreatment. They have often been treated as societal outcasts and their disabilities treated as medical conditions that need to be “fixed” in order for the individual to join the rest of society. Throughout the last three decades, this approach has been steadily changing towards an inclusive model whereas persons with disabilities are recognized as a protected group of citizens who are due the same complete human rights as the general population. This change has become particularly evident with the United Nation's approval of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2006. However, the strides made by the approval of the CRPD are merely philosophical unless the rights recognized by the Convention can be defended by a court of law. This is where the importance of the ratification of the CRPD by member and observer states comes into focus. By ratifying the treaty in 2008, Qatar committed itself to a number of social and legal obligations. However, implementation of the CRPD in Qatar is dependent on a number of factors including political willingness, the abilities of the CRPD's United Nations Follow-Up Committee, and the capacity to raise awareness among the public in Qatar. This paper looks into the traditional approaches taken towards persons with disabilities, the impact of the CRPD and the challenges faced by Qatar as it looks to implement the CRPD.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Disabilitieshuman rightsnon-discriminationQatar and United Nations
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