Volume 2015, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2223-859X
  • EISSN:


The article Related Article(s): ‘The “Right to Privacy” v. telecommunications interception and access: International regulations and implementations in the Arab Region’

by Yaser Khalaileh and Nazzal Kisswani, published in International Review of Law (2013:10) is for the most part identical in theory and concept to two other articles by Nazzal Kisswani;

‘Telecommunications (interception and access) and its regulation in Arab countries’ (Int. J. Liability and Scientific Enquiry, Vol.4, No.1 (2011)) [1] and ‘Telecommunications (interception and access) and its Regulation in Arab Countries’ (Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology Vol. 5, Issue 4 (2010)) [2]

The editorial board and publisher believe the paper belongs to the category of redundant publication. Redundant publications are also called repetitive publication and refer to the publication of copyrighted material that contains additional or new material. Thus, although it is not an exact copy of a previously published article, it contains parts of it.[3]

Redundant publications are unethical and represent an infringement of copyright laws, poor utilization of resources including reviewers’ and editors’ time and journal pages, overemphasizing results, and future interference with meta-analyses. The most common motive behind these types of publications involves academic advancement by apparently increasing productivity. [4]

In addition, the editors and publisher wish to add a note of concern about the possible misuse of plagiarism detection software at the authoring stage of the 2013 paper.


Kisswani N. Telecommunications (interception and access) and its regulation in Arab countries, Int. J. Liability and Scientific Enquiry, Vol.4, No.1 (2011)

Kisswani N. Telecommunications (interception and access) and its Regulation in Arab Countries, Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology Vol. 5, Issue 4 (2010)

Benos DJ, Fabres J, Farmer J, et al. Ethics and scientific publication. Advan Physiol Edu 2005;29:59 -74

Castillo M. Editor’s Comment: On Redundant and Duplicate Articles. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2007;28(10):1841-1842.


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