QScience's Global Cardiology Science and Practice Journal now Indexed in Pub Med Central Database

08 April 2014

QScience.com and the Editor-in-Chief of Global Cardiology Science & Practice (GCSP) are delighted to announce that the GCSP journal is now indexed in PubMed Central (PMC), the world's largest and most widely-used biomedical literature database. PMC is a free database of full-text articles that focus on life sciences and biomedical topics. Citations and abstracts of all GCSP articles will also be retrievable in PMC through keyword and author searches.

Journals accepted to PMC undergo a rigorous review process by the Literature Selection Technical Review Committee, which is a National Institutes of Health chartered committee. The primary consideration in selecting journals for indexing is scientific merit, which includes factors such as validity, importance, originality and contribution to the field. Journals must also demonstrate a high level of quality, credibility, and objectivity related to their peer review process and ethical guidelines.

GCSP was started by QScience.com together with Sir Magdi Yacoub, one of the most renowned surgeons and cardiovascular researches in the world who also established the Qatar Cardiovascular Research Centre (QCRC) within Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. Through articles and the GGSP journal, QCRC demonstrates Qatar Foundation's thought-leadership in cardiology and treatment of heart diseases within the international research community.

GCSP is now recognised as a magnet in attracting high level research from all over the world to Qatar Foundation and QScience.com.  This in turn helps Qatar Foundation continue to promote research excellence in Qatar whilst attracting top talent from all over the world. With the inclusion of QCSP in PMC, Qatar Foundation is also able to position itself as part of the world's research elite through its research publication program from QScience.com.

Arend Kuster, Managing Director at QScience.com, said: "Depositing Global Cardiology Science & Practice content in PubMed Central will make it much more discoverable to researchers, health professionals and the public. This acceptance reflects our publishing commitment of high quality, reputable manuscripts."

"As QScience.com journals will now be included on PubMed Central, each article can act as a beacon and help attract some of the very best international researchers to Qatar."

Sir Magdi Yacoub, Editor-in-Chief of Global Cardiology Science & Practice, said: "We are honoured to see GCSP included among the high-profile journals available on PubMed Central. Inclusion in the database further establishes GCSP as a journal of growing prominence in the field of medicine, and is a major milestone for this journal.
"This is a great achievement reflecting the high standard of GCSP. Compared to traditional print journals, GCSP is ahead of its time. It stands out because it is a free, web-based journal, accessible to anyone with an internet connection. By being indexed in PMC, GCSP's online presence will expand, resulting in GCSP reaching new heights as a global resource."
QScience.com is a peer-reviewed online publishing platform from Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals (BQFJ) that offers a unique and collaborative research environment for scientists in Qatar and the rest of the world.

About Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals (BQFJ)  
Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals (BQFJ), founded in 2009 as a unique collaboration between Qatar Foundation and Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, focuses on fostering scholarly and research communication. BQFJ publishes a range of peer reviewed, high-quality, open access journals, databases and repositories which adhere to the highest scholarly publishing standards.  

About Rubriq
Rubriq introduces a streamlined yet rigorous model for scientific peer review and journal matching. By incentivising reviewers, compressing the process from months to a few weeks and assigning an independent, quantitative score (R-Score) to research papers, the Rubriq model benefits authors, reviewers and publishers. Rubriq - whose name embodies a well-established set of parameters and the process of review – is an independent, for-benefit division of Research Square (www.researchsquare.com), and was founded by a team of seasoned experts who are former researchers and scientific publishing industry experts. For more information, visit www.rubriq.com
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