Volume 2023, Issue 2
  • E-ISSN: 2309-3927


This article explores the challenges and coping strategies associated with the excessive use of technology among adolescents in Qatar from the perspective of parents. The article presents the qualitative findings of a 2021-2022 study conducted on the overuse of technology by adolescents in Qatar. The original study followed a mixed-method approach: investigating the experiences of adolescents and their parents, and the use of technology in their lives. The study found that the excessive use of technology among adolescents in Qatar is a major concern for the family, leading to negative consequences such as isolation, poor performance at school, health problems, and social disintegration. These challenges can cause not only family instability but also further complications in the lives of adolescents in the long run.

Thus, some coping strategies need to be developed by parents to mitigate the negative effects of excessive use of technology among adolescents such as control, building trust, entertainment, and discussion. Such strategies encourage alternative forms of social interaction with the family and avoidance of technology. This article provides valuable insights into the challenges, negative impacts, and coping strategies parents can use to promote healthy well-being among the younger generation. We argue that implementing appropriate educational programs for adolescents and parents would mitigate challenges and promote the development of healthy lifestyles and habits, including the creation of leisure activities to reduce reliance on technology.


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  • نوع المستند: Research Article
الموضوعات الرئيسية challengescoping strategiesfamilyparents and technology
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