Volume 2011, Issue 1
  • E-ISSN: 2220-2749



Breast cancer is a public health threat in the State of Qatar. It is the most common cancer and the incidence rate is increasing. It has been found that women often present with breast cancer at advanced stages in Qatar. Early detection of breast cancer is an important prognostic factor and breast cancer screening has been found successful in decreasing mortality rates. The percentage of women in Qatar engaging in screening activities is alarmingly low. A study has been designed to examine barriers and facilitators that are potentially influencing women in participating in breast cancer screening activities. Understanding these barriers and facilitators is essential in order to create a culturally appropriate and effective intervention that can encourage women in Qatar to participate in screening activities. In this paper the background to the study is presented which highlights the magnitude of the breast cancer problem in Qatar and offers the rationale and information for this potentially groundbreaking study.


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