
The productivity of a photovoltaic system depends mainly on temperature and illumination. Hence, the photovoltaic system must be correctly sized to deliver the maximum energy. Several algorithms were proposed in literature to maximize the power generated by a photovoltaic panel [1,2] which allow to seek and track the maximum power point (MPP) in each value of temperature and irradiance. The principle of the MPPT command is based on the variation of duty cycle for a DC/DC converter.

In this work, we describe the operating principle of a photovoltaic PV cell. Moreover, we present an equivalent electrical model, after determining the five unknown parameters, to simulate the performance of a photovoltaic generator PVG in order to see the effect of climate change on the energy produced by the PV module through graphics. In addition, we show how we were able to optimize the power supplied by the PVG through an interface of adaptation fitted with the two famous commands of tracking the point of maximum power MPPT: perturb & observe (P&O) and Sliding Mode Controller (SMC). All the PV system is designed using Matlab/Sumilink. To analyze the performance of these two algorithms, we compare them and present the strong points of each of them for a robustness speed and performances.


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