
The conventional mixed-use projects usually provide a mixture of residential, commercial, cultural and institutional uses. Industrial zones are traditionally considered as an industrial district for sustainability assessments. However, this paper aims to provide a detailed case study on water sustainability levels achieved and the score achievement strategy deployed by light industry-based projects in Qatar as part of their Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) Certification. The sustainability assessments were based on the indigenous and the globally acclaimed GSAS developed by the Gulf Organization for Research and Development (GORD). The assortment observed in these projects with respect to their variations in size, diversity in infrastructure and scope of the project aids in putting forth the ways by which water sustainability can be efficiently achieved in the region, when similar projects are designed. It is highly important to understand how our current water sustainability benchmarks are actually interpreted into the projects through a practical study of their GSAS score achievement strategy. These case studies may even pave ways and inspire ideas towards a higher point of reference for water sustainability and improve our water conservation patterns.


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