
The paper presents how a U.S. university was able to implement curricular content in a specially designed engineering course to teach students critical non-technical skills of the engineers of 2020, as described by educational, industrial and governmental organizations. The course targeted issues that directly affect the engineering profession, i.e., nature of the knowledge-based economy, the nature and need for innovation, the various kinds and advantages of entrepreneurship and business models associated with it, public speaking and communication skills, working in teams, and the need for life-long learning. The course also included content targeting the ability for an engineer to manage his/herself with a corporate setting in today's knowledge-based economy. This paper describes the course design, content and rubric that were used to assess some of the course outcomes, as well as the results of the assessment. In general, the results show that the vast majority of students agreed that the course had been effective in teaching and making them aware of.


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  • Received: 18 January 2014
  • Accepted: 30 April 2014
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