

Ocular trauma is a common cause of unilateral blindness and is associated with significant emotional stress, and numerous emergency department and outpatient visits. China still lacks complete eye injury epidemiological data and population-based research is rare. Our objective was to study the epidemiological characteristics of ocular trauma at major ophthalmology departments in the Chinese Chaoshan area. We studied all cases of ocular trauma admitted to three tertiary hospitals in China, between January 2001 and December 2010. Retrospectively, we reviewed for open- or closed-globe injury (OGI or CGI). The data extracted included a mix of age, sex, residence, initial and final visual acuity, cause and treatment of injury, clinical signs and diagnosis based on Ocular Trauma Classification System (OTCS) and Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology (BETT). We also referred to the Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) in evaluating the final visual outcome. There were 3,644 injured eyes from 3,559 patients over the 10-year period. Of the 3,644 eyes, there were 2,008 OGI (55.1 percent), 1,580 CGI (43.4 percent), 41 chemical injuries (1.1 percent) and 15 thermal Injuries (0.4 percent).678 (18.6 percent) patients had ocular adnexal injuries. The annual hospitalized injuries incidence of ocular trauma was 5.9 per 100,000. The overall mean age of 29.0±16.8 years and male to female ratio of 5.2: 1(P = 0.007) were studied. The most frequent injury causes were work-related injuries (44.9 percent), household tool/toys injuries (16.1 percent), violence (13.7 percent) and road traffic injuries (8.9 percent). Metal fragments/nails were the most frequent inciting agents (51.4 percent) responsible for work-related eye injuries. Initial visual acuity was found to have a correlation with final visual acuity (Spearman's correlation coefficient = 0.659; p<0.001). OTCS was also correlated to final visual acuity (Spearman's correlation coefficient = 0.655; p<0.001). This analysis provides a population-based epidemiological study of patients hospitalized for ocular trauma. Workers and children were the main risk groups as the prosperity of the local plastic toys manufacturing industry. Eye injury research and prevention can be further aided by a collaborative registry of eye injuries in China.

Cao He, L P Li*, M Z Zhang .


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  • Received: 16 May 2012
  • Accepted: 16 May 2012
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