
The purpose of this study was to raise awareness about and understanding of the meaning and significance of Jinn, black magic and evil eye for undergraduate nursing students studying at the University of Calgary in Qatar. Nursing students are educated using a Canadian curriculum that purports nursing as a science through evidence-based best practice. Based on instructor experience, it was apparent that many Muslim nursing students attribute the person's mental or physical health disorder to the presence of Jinn, black magic and evil eye. These concepts do not fit within the context of evidence-based care, yet are important considerations in developing nursing education that will result in client-centred, culturally competent nursing practice. The researchers administered the survey "Beliefs about Jinn, Possession, Black Magic and Evil Eye" developed for use in previous studies regarding beliefs about possession among Muslims in Dhaka, Leicester, and Bangladesh (Khalifa, Hardie, Latif, Jamil, & Walker, 2011; Khalifa, Hardie, & Mullick, 2012; Mullick, et al, 2012). One hundred and twenty-eight (128) approximately 41% of the nursing student population of undergraduate nursing students participated in the study. Participation was voluntary and only those who self-identified as Muslim were invited to take part. The results of the survey were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to generate descriptive statistics and frequencies data. The benefits of this research may include enhancement of teaching strategies and curriculum by improving cultural sensitivity and competence of nursing faculty related to increased knowledge and understanding of Jinn, black magic and evil eye. This research will also enhance and add to the limited literature available on nursing education for Muslim students in the Middle East. The scholarly benefit will be more culturally inclusive content related to Islamic beliefs of Jinn, black magic and evil eye, and the potential impact on nursing care. The researchers will report on the findings of the study within the context of nursing education and share recommendations for consideration of other health science programs in Qatar. Khalifa, N., Hardie, T., Latif, S., Jamil, I., Walker, D.M. (2011). Beliefs about Jinn, black magic and the evil eye among Muslims: Age, gender and first language influences. Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 4, 68-77. Khalifa,N., Hardie, T., &Mullick, M.S.I. (2012). Jinn and psychiatry: Comparison of beliefs among Muslims in Dhaka and Leicester. Royal College of Psychiatrists. Mullick, M.S.I., Khalifa, N., Nahar, J.S., & Walker, D.M. (2012). Belief about Jinn, black magic and evil eye in Bangladesh: The effects of gender and level of education. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. DOI: 10.1080/13674676.2012.717918


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