Nature Publishing Group and Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals partner to highlight the best of research from QScience.com

15 September 2015

Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals and Nature Publishing Group (NPG) announced today that they have signed a strategic commercial partnership to bring QScience.com content to a global audience. Every month articles from QScience .com will be selected by editors at NPG and will feature at http://qscience.nature.com/ alongside an editorial summary.

QScience.com publishes a multi-disciplinary portfolio of open access journals titles. It is an initiative of Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals (BQFJ), founded in 2009 as a collaboration between Qatar Foundation and Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

NPG editors will handpick four articles each month published on Qscience.com to highlight. A summary of the article links out to the full text open access article on Qscience.com. Nature.com has over 8 million unique visitors per month, bringing research on QScience.com to a global audience.

“We’re pleased to support Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals in this way,” said Steven Inchcoombe, CEO, Nature Publishing Group and Palgrave Macmillan. “At NPG we are committed to encouraging the growth of emerging science from the Arab world, and believe Open access and Open Research are central to the future of research communication. Bringing quality content from Qscience.com to the global nature.com audience is consistent with both of these goals.”

Arend Küster, Managing Director of QScience said: “Our collaboration with Nature Publishing Group will enable us to provide an exceptional service to Qscience authors, by increasing the visibility of their research. We are delighted to offer our authors this unique opportunity and showcase excellent research from Qscience.com on Nature.com. This NPG partnership is a major milestone for our burgeoning journals platform, which will be 5 years old in December. This unique partnership will help increase the visibility of research in Qatar, the GCC region and beyond, and will further bolster Qatar Foundation’s research ambitions.”

QScience.com is an open access publisher, providing immediate, worldwide and free access to the full text of its peer-reviewed research articles. QScience.com applies the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 3.0) to all published articles. Under the CC license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their article, but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy articles from QScience journals, so long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.

About Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals (BQFJ)
Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals (BQFJ), founded in 2009 as a unique collaboration between Qatar Foundation and Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, focuses on fostering scholarly and research communication. BQFJ publishes a range of peer reviewed, high-quality, open access journals, databases and repositories which adhere to the highest scholarly publishing standards.

About QScience.com
Launched in September 2011, QScience.com is a peer-reviewed online publishing platform that offers a unique and collaborative research environment for scientists in Qatar and the rest of the world. This new platform publishes a range of peer reviewed, high quality, open access journals, databases and repositories which adhere to international publishing standards.

About Nature Publishing Group (NPG)
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. NPG publishes journals, online databases, and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine. Focusing on the needs of scientists, Nature (founded in 1869) is the leading weekly, international scientific journal.

Qatar Foundation – Unlocking Human Potential
Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development (QF) is a private, non-profit organisation that is supporting Qatar on its journey from carbon economy to knowledge economy by unlocking human potential, for the benefit of not only Qatar, but the world. QF was co-founded in 1995 by His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the Father Amir, and Chairperson Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser.

QF’s work encompasses education, research and community development. World-class universities are brought to Qatar to help create an education sector in which young people can develop the attitudes and skills required for a knowledge economy. At the same time, QF builds Qatar's innovation and technology capacity by developing and commercialising solutions through key sciences. The Foundation also works to foster a progressive society while enhancing cultural life, protecting Qatar’s heritage and addressing immediate social needs in the community.

For a complete list of QF’s initiatives and projects, please visit http://www.qf.org.qa

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